At Therapeutix Wellness Center
5 Benefits of Trying Sauna Baths at Spas
Sauna baths inside spas are heaven on earth. Who doesn’t like to feel the heat eliminating toxins from our bodies? And this is just one of the many benefits sauna baths have for us. Here we’re going to offer you a list of 5 benefits of trying sauna baths at spas.
1. Saunas are great for relieving stress: It has been proved that sauna baths relieve stress. When you’re inside a sauna you detach completely from the world. It’s a quiet room when all your troubles evaporate –no pun intended. Moreover, sauna baths release endorphins from your body. Endorphins are the hormones the body produces when we’re doing physical activities or activities that make us feel good. So yes, sauna baths are great stress relievers.
2. Sauna rooms release toxins located in your body: Sweating is a weapon against toxins. Inside a sauna bath, you’re going to sweat your heart out. Sweat is composed from 99% water and other elements such as mercury, nickel, zinc, lead, and copper. Moreover, using a sauna increases your blood flow since the blood vessels dilate due to the heat.
3. Saunas are perfect for relaxing muscles: Let’s keep talking about endorphins. Endorphins have the ability to minimize the pain arthritis and soreness. When you’re inside your body is releasing endorphins that help your muscles in the process of recovering. If you’re practicing any type of sports, we assure you a sauna bath is great for recovering sore joints and muscles.
4. Sauna rooms clear the skin: Sweating doesn’t only release toxins, sweating cleans the skin from bacteria that are accumulated in the epidermal layer. Pore cleansing is great for improving capillary circulation. Your skin is going to look flawless is you try sauna baths on a weekly basis.
5. Saunas do burn calories! Are you excited about this one? Because we are. Burning those extra calories after a gym session is not impossible if you try a sauna bath. The sweating process requires using an arsenal or energy which means you’ll burn out calories in the few hours you’re inside a sauna bath. Remember, sauna baths are not created for losing weight. You must combine a gym routine with a sauna bath to accomplish your weight-loss objectives.
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